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Making images clickable on the website
I often insert high-quality images, but until now there wasn't a convenient way to view them. Let's fix this limitation. First, a brief explanation about Bolt CMS - I use markdown for writing article…
Enabling runtime statistics collection in ESP32-arduino
This article will focus on the FreeRTOS functions vTaskGetRunTimeStats and vTaskList, but the same method applies to change any sdkconfig option. The main issue is that in the pre-built ESP32-arduino…
Adding view counter to bolt CMS
Let's create a view counter for articles in Bolt CMS. We'll explore possible implementations and basic protection against view count manipulation. I might write about Bolt CMS separately later, but…
Hidden Disc Holder
Looking for a place to store your disc collection, and find shelf storage boring? I have a solution for you. Some time ago, a PS5 appeared in our house, and since online game purchases are quite rest…